Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29 - December 2

7th Grade - We will be creating a found sound piece of music and performing it for our classmates. We will listen to a piece of found sound music and analyze what we hear.

There will be a written quiz on Friday on the Vocab for Listening. Use the vocab sheet as a study guide.

Home Work - DUE Monday 12-5-11 Students must give me the title of a song and the artist of a song they want to hear and have their classmates analyze. This must be school appropriate with both language and message!

8th Grade - We are learning the e minor chord this week. We will continue to practice the 5 chords we learned already and learn to accompany a few songs.

All students must sign up for the rock and roll artist that they want to research and write their 5x5 about. The directions for the assignment will go out next week, but they will sign up for their artist this week.

Chorus Class - We will be rehearsing on stage with the microphones. We will be finalizing everything we need for the show.