Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 18-22

Music 7 - finish found sound unit and begin our unit on writing a jingle. Music Technology - Finish the Shakespeare project Music History - Present our projects Chorus - begin choreography in senior high - begin working on our holiday music Guitar - we are working on chapter 3 - recordings need to be submitted by Friday. Adaptive Music - we are working on our day in music and singing

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Sept. 11 -15

Seventh Grade Music - Listening activity on Monday. Found Sound unit beginning on Tuesday - ALL students must bring in a found sound instrument for class on Wednesday!!! We will work in groups to create a piece of music. History - we will continue discussing the Baroque era and start our research projects. Tech - continue working on your projects. guitar - we are working on learning and recording music using the second string. adaptive - we are playing rhythms on instruments, singing patriotic music, and discussing this day in music history. chorus - senior high is working on the county chorus audition piece. Junior high chorus is working on learning the 4 parts to the national anthem.