Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sept. 26 - Sept. 30

Seventh Grade - Students are working on a freedom rider unit. Technology - Students are creating a beat box background. History - Students are watching an opera. Adaptive - Students are watching a musical. Chorus - Choreography is going in in all chorus classes. County Chorus Music is being practiced.


Seventh Grade - Students are filming their jingle and working on listening activities. Technology - Students are creating a ring tone. History - Baroque period - test on Friday. Adaptive - Students are playing the guitar. Chorus - Choreography is going in in all chorus classes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 12-16

seventh Grade - We are working on our Jingle Unit Music History - Dark Ages and Baroque Music Technology - Pod Cast Creation Chorus - Starting choreography in Class General - We are beginning to play the guitar

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sept. 6 - 9

Welcome Back to the 2016-2017 School Year! General Music - We will be discussing Jazz,Playing Classroom Percussion Instruments and This Day in Music History. We will continue with our Karaoke Friday Events. Seventh General - We are working on our notes and performing our pentatonic pieces. We will have our written test on Friday. Music History - Taking notes on orchestra evolution and listening/responding to orchestral music. Music Technology - We completed our prep projects. Project 1 - making an 8 bar loop with your own elements is due on Thursday. Chorus - Cleaning up the national anthem in 4 parts and starting our concert music with junior high. Senior high is going full throttle with the County Chorus Audition Piece. Happy September All! As Always - No Homework.